To Ekklesia Academy
This is our first year and we have some limitations, but we are excited to launch this new education alternative for our community!
Here’s some basic info:
We are offering classes for grades 3rd - 8th.
We are not a full-fledged "private school" So we are not charging "tuition" nor providing "licensed" staff... YET. We hope to grow and expand to that point some time within the next couple years.
We have expenses and costs associated with gathering together to learn so to share the costs, we are asking just $276/mo per student. However, because this is our first year, and we expect our shared costs to be lower, we are offering a “Founders” discount, asking only $184/mo per student *for the first school year
To reserve a space for your child, fill out the form bellow. The $100 deposit will be deducted against your first month’s student costs in September.
Orientation and official registration will take place at the Bristlecone Convention Center on Sunday, September 11th. Monday September 12th with be the first day of School.
We are using "The Good And The Beautiful"
It was founded by a homeschool mother who wanted to find beauty, joy, and powerful academics in homeschool. They have a team of over 70 writers, experts, reviewers, educators, and editors that are working daily on the goals of making education
Academically Solid
$100 Per Student, nonrefundable deposit
Limited to 10 Students || 3rd - 8th Grade
Registration closes September 9th
Orientation & Official Registration September 11th
First day of school, September 12th
As this is our first school year, we are limited to the number of students we can accommodate. Pre-Register your student(s) to reserve space for them.
If you have any questions, call Miss Sarah at 775-781-8506