Ekklesia, Ely
The Ekklesia was an ancient Greek institution that Jesus referenced to describe His plan for community impact
In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said:
“…upon this rock I will build my ἐκκλησία
(commonly translated “Church” in English).
Jesus deliberately referenced this ancient assembly to illustrate His plan for global transformation. A Body of Believers that the “...the gates of hell will not prevail against...”.
We are a community of passionate people committed to breaking chains of demonic oppression and to seeing regions transformed and set free from hopelessness, anxiety, depression, suicide, poverty, divorce, addiction and anything else that prevents people from being who God created them to be.
We are not denominationally affiliated.
We believe Jesus IS Almighty God. He IS The Way, The Truth, The Life and no one comes to The Father except through Him. The Bible IS the inerrant Word of God and all beliefs, perspectives, values, ideas etc. are subject to the Truth Of God’s Word, not human reasoning or cultural trends.
Our Leaders
"Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the Apostles, the Prophets, the Evangelists, and the Pastors and Teachers.Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the Ekklesia [church], the body of Christ.
Our Story
In the summer of 2014, The Bullis family responded to Holy Spirit's prompting and made the decision to leave jobs, ministries, home and family in Carson City to move to Ely and see what The Lord had for them here.
In 2018, they stepped into the senior leadership roll of the church and in 2022 lead the church into a re-launch and rebirth. Their passion is to train people who fulfill the great commission:
preaching the Gospel
healing the sick
casting out demons
making disciples