God Is Good
Every other value and detail of our beliefs and operations as a house of faith is founded upon a firm belief in the goodness of God. We believe that God is NOT in CONTROL, but He IS in CHARGE and He IS working ALL THINGS together for our GOOD. Jesus represented the Father in everything He did, we are called to do the same.
Nothing Is Impossible
God describes Himself as “nothing is impossible”. He created us in His image, giving us the same capacity for creativity. It is in our DNA to pursue impossibilities as we co-labor with Heaven. A huge part of our life as revivalists is taking risks and seeing what The Lord will do in our lifetime
Everything Was Purchased At The Cross
Everything we’ll ever need was dealt with at the cross. Healing in your body, soul and mind. All of your sin past, present and future, was paid for and forgiven. The Christian life is learning how to access everything He purchased for us.
Every Person Is Significant
Understanding the significance of each and every person is paramount to fulfilling our vision. We owe every person respect and honor because everyone is made in the image of God. We choose to apply Paul’s encouragement in Ephesians 4 to always be humble and gentle, to be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults, to make every effort to keep ourselves united in the Spirit, binding ourselves together with peace.
Impact Team Member
After your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by our leadership team and then we will contact you regarding next steps